
on Çarşamba, Eylül 12, 2007

The points of the pentagram refer to the four material elements - earth, air, fire, and water, with the fifth, spirit, ascending out of their materiality. This is the quintessential human potential -to be able to transcend materiality through materiality. This is a powerful occult magical sign of protection. The pentagram is also an icon for man within the circle of the divine. The pentagram is a widely recognized symbol for witchcraft, magick and sorcery. Some have said we make the most beautiful and powerful pentagrams around - but we wouldn't know :)

Cadılar tarafından oldukça kutsal olan bu sembol 5 elementin birleşimini ve uyumunu göstermektedir. Bu Beş Element, Ruh (Akasha-Ether), Ateş, Hava, Su ve Topraktır. Ateş İradeyi, Hava Zekayı, Su Duyguları, Toprak ta madde alemini sembolize eder.

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